whatcha readin'? {goal 35 - books 21-25}

Playing catch up once again….

5 more books I have read:


I know I have written about this author here before,
actually, just last week :)
I do really like her writing.
It reminds a little bit of the books
I read when I was younger…
I loved Jackie Collins…and books
that were glossy and glittery
and maybe a tiny bit smutty…heh.

Anyway. These last two books by
Taylor Jenkins Reid
remind me slightly of that time
in my life…but
without the smuttiness
Rich people, famous people,
rock stars, celebrities
and secrets behind the screens…

I enjoyed this book.

4 ♥’s out of 5


Not really a subject I am good with reading about…
anything that has to do with children
really, really hurts my heart…it always has.

The note I had written myself about this book was:
”I did not expect to love this so much
but the writing was very beautiful and tragic and
sweetly sad like a fairy tale.”

5 ♥’s out of 5


Another quick read that was a bit of a thriller,
a bit creepy (which is not usually my thing) and also involved a kid…
but it was well worth the read.

4 ♥’s out of 5


and welcome to the
self help portion of my reading list….

I actually really liked this book.
I appreciated his no-nonsense way of
looking at things…I liked that he said the eff word a lot.
I felt like a lot of this was not new to me,
but did reaffirm some thoughts I had…
but I did also have some epiphanies while reading this.

The truth is I am pretty happy on my own
and I knew this going into the book…
I do not require a relationship to be happy.
I am not opposed to one but
I am also unwilling to settle for anything less
than sparks and butterflies. :)

“Asking myself where I am going
before I ask
who is going with me.”

5 ♥’s out of 5



This book. This was one of my most favorite books
this year. And yes, it’s a bit of a self-help-y kinda thing
but it’s the kinda self help-y thing I like…

Also, it has the eff word in the title.
Which I always like.

I made sooooo many notes while reading this.
And when I finished it, I wanted to start it over again.
It is not a “give away for trade book”
it’s one I know I will re-read…
and I just like seeing it on my shelf.

* also the author is adorable
and my bestest friend now cause she left
a comment on Instagram…heehee

5 ♥’s out of 5