i have been writing this blog for a long time.
i like to go back and reread
different years for the month
we are currently in…
it’s a bittersweet exercise.
the kids were little when i
started this
and i thought my
happy marriage would last
forever and i never
thought i would get wrinkles
or a saggy neck…haha.
but life happens.
some of the posts make me
a little sad but mostly,
they make me happy…..
(and make me question my
sanity every now and then as well).
like when I made librarian shout YES
in a library…
this image without an image of my
boy at 10 made my heart warm…
and it’s my mom’s birthday on Saturday,
so this seems right…and I miss him. ♥
(captain’s log::day nine of temporary restrictions complete)