Boo! Halloween Grinches & Pugosaurs! & itty bitty kittens...

it's Halloween here in the big orange house
where i am the world's worst procrastinator
and feel like the Halloween Grinch...
ran out at 4:35 to buy candy
then publicly complained about buying said candy
cause we don't usually get many kids...

but also stuffed poor pugsley into his dinosaur costume
and took him out into the front yard
armed with treats and the camera
for a mini pug-photo session...

isn't he the cutest happiest looking pug EVER?!?

and here we have the rarely seen pugosaurus...famous for bulgy eyes and adorable but extremely dangerous snaggletooth

i also tried to stuff the kittens into a knitted pumpkin hat
but they were having none of it.

and now it's almost 7:30 and just about done for another year...
where i'll vow that next year i will do better,
i will be better prepared and the house will be terrifying
and we will make candy apples and robotic spiders
that leap at you and cobwebs hanging from the trees..

but chances are
i'll be playing the procrastinator again
and trying to jam two cats into a pumpkin
and pugsley into a wonder woman costume.


it's thanksgiving weekend here
and i feel that i have plenty to feel grateful for:

  • an amazing little family that gets along and laughs...a lot... :)
  • a fantastic extended family...parents, sibling, in-laws, nieces & nephews
  • a job that i go to five days a week that i love...and great people to work with!
  • a second job that feeds my creative side...maybe a little too well sometimes but it's all good!
  • my beautiful little island in the fall {and every other season really...i love them all..even the dreaded winter}
  • the pug...(and the fact that the pug is about to have new semi siblings...KITTENS!!) (more about them later!)
  • old friends that have know me forever and still love me...and new friends in the making...
  • my fantastic clients and photography friends and supporters...this wouldn't be NEARLY as much fun without any of you!!!
  • the ability and opportunity and freedom to vote, to maybe help make a difference
  • the first season of Roseanne is on Netflix
  • new presets (thank you Pretty Presets!)
  • cold diet coke in a can (cause sometimes...its just the little things)

there is much more more that i could say i'm grateful for
but right now, my eyelids are drooping from turkey overload...
and my bed is calling me with it's siren song of a warm duvet
and maybe a heating pad...(more things that i'm grateful for).

i'm still here...

it has been far too long since i have found my way back to this page...
and show you!!!

like weddings!
and kittens!! 
and fitbits!!!
and books i read...movies i've seen...
books i WANT to read
movies i WANT to read!

but right now...
i have to edit because i am so terribly
terribly behind..well...not really...
but i work better under pressure...
even if it's my own imaginary self imposed pressure.

but for now...a photo of a sunset...'s a water...with pretty light...and clouds.